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This page collects KNOWAGE Gallery templates that helps you crafting stunning visualizations of your data in few minutes.

card header charts

How to use

Gallery templates can be imported with the Gallery management functionality of KNOWAGE to provide end users with pre-built charts, labels and any kind of object with the only need to connect their own datasources.

Once imported, in fact, templates are easy to use: each HTML, R, PYTHON and CUSTOM widget has its own Gallery tab in the widget edit mode from which choosing the most suitable template for the ongoing analysis.


How to contribute

Willing to contribute sharing your top-level data visualization artworks?

Read the following guideline and create your pull request: KNOWAGE Labs will review and add your template, giving you all credits and adding you to KNOWAGE .contributors list!

…but that’s not all!

How to add templates

To add a new template to the list you can use Knowage widget gallery functionality or use your preferred editor to create a JSON template that will hold all the widget’s informations.

Create a folder with the name of the widget you want to add and put it in a folder of the correct category, like:


Remember to add an image of the resulting widget in .jpg or .png format and a MIT license file with your name, to keep the template copyright but allowing other community users to use it.

Here you can see the example folder:

└── templates/
    ├── card/
    │   └── my-custom-widget/
    │       ├── my-custom-widget.json
    │       ├── my-custom-widget.png
    │       └── .license
    └── header/
        ├── header-with-icon/
        ├── header-with-image/
        └── my-custom-header/

Than you will have to make a pull-request on this repository. If you don’t know how to do it, just follow this guideline!

License and support

The templates are provided by the open source community around KNOWAGE and validated by KNOWAGE Labs, only MIT license contributions will be accepted.

Templates can be used with any KNOWAGE Community Edition installation since version 7.4, in compliance with the constraints required by the chosen libraries.

In case of problems use the issues tab of the repository, to have support use the KNOWAGE community Q&A Forum.